Wednesday, 11 April 2018

We Need To Talk About T.J. Miller, Infinity War Outsells 7 MCU Movies Combined - TJCS

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We Need To Talk About T.J. Miller, Infinity War Outsells 7 MCU Movies Combined - TJCS
On this episode of The John Campea Show, John discusses the following topics: DOWNLOAD THE STARDUST APP AND FOLLOW JOHN Support John on Patreon - OFF THE TOP - Fandango says Avengers Infinity War outselling last 7 MCU movies combined MOVIE NEWS FEED - TJ Miller arrested for fake bomb threat - Daniel Craig confirms BOND his next film - Damien Lewis to play Rob Ford in new film - Apple green lights Asimov's FOUNDATION - Melissa McCarthy to star in SUPER-INTELLIGENCE MAIN TOPICS PATREON Supporter Ali Hussein - Hi John love your show. I just read In variety that Christina Hudson's the screenwriter of bumblebee. Has taken over do write new script for batgirl. To be honest I don't believe that movie going to happen. Love do hear your thoughts. Orrice Magee - Hey John! I believe a movie’s trailer, marketing, and reviews determines how much it makes opening weekend and the content and quality of the movie itself determines how much it can make in the overall box office along with its longevity. Would you say this theory proves true? Thanks! Rich Madagoska - So I’m reading about this T.J. Miller...
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Oh god, there are a lot of. The problem we have today is affiliates of these poker spaces are being paid off to put the website on the top of their list. One online cardroom that bribed their affiliates was LockPoker. They used to be a great space, in fact, Jennifer Larson the owner was a good person, or so it seemed. They were running an limitless payout plan (110% true Ponzi Scheme) where they accepted deposits but didn't make payments. This lastly ended when they went offline on April 17, 2015. Numerous reports revealed it was taking control of 1 year for payouts with a stockpile in the multi-millions inning accordance with research study from poker online forum posters at 2 +2! The enormous information sites out there that you find when utilizing google with " leading lists" searches are usually just sites who pays the very best.

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