Tuesday, 21 August 2018

Play And Chat - Playing Some Warcraft Talking Some Movies

3 card poker rules  :: SafeClub - No Cheating

Play And Chat - Playing Some Warcraft Talking Some Movies
Let's talk about movies while I play Warcraft or other video games...eally been almost 7 years since I seriously played it. I got the urge to load it back up again and I FORGOT EVERYTHING. Seriously, it's like I never played before (I think level 70 was the highest you could go the last time I played... my character was an undead mage named DarthRampage.) So I thought since I'll be playing again, why not hang out some people as I'm doing it? So if you wanna chat about movies, TV, sports, whatever as I'm sitting here grinding out Wild Wolves just to increase my skinning skill... come join me. But it'll probably be boring. Just warning you :)
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Oh god, there are many. The issue we have today is affiliates of these poker spaces are being paid off to position the site on the top of their list. One online cardroom that bribed their affiliates was LockPoker. They utilized to be a great room, in fact, Jennifer Larson the owner was a good person, or so it appeared. They were running an endless payout scheme (110% real Ponzi Plan) where they accepted deposits but didn't make payouts. This finally ended when they went offline on April 17, 2015. Lots of reports revealed it was taking control of 1 year for payments with a stockpile in the multi-millions according to research study from poker forum posters at 2 +2! The enormous information websites out there that you find when using google with "top lists" searches are usually just sites who pays the very best.

from Safest Online Poker Real Money https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2SIbedVdDIc

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