Sunday, 16 September 2018

Can Aquaman Outperform Justice League? - TJCS Companion Video

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Can Aquaman Outperform Justice League? - TJCS Companion Video
Support John on Patreon - On this special companion video, John take the viewer questions from his live shows the last day or 2 that he didn't have time to get to live. John takes the following viewer messages:
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These very first couple paragraphs I summarize why poker is viewed as ' hazardous'. Listed below, starting in the 3rd paragraph, are my safe suggestions (10+ years in this wild trade). In July 2010, HR2267 was presented and since then many other expenses to regulate poker by Federal U.S. government were promoted. None have actually passed the Feds yet but state governments New Jersey, Delaware, Nevada and Pennsylvania so far, have actually penned poker legal online. When a Federal expense ultimately passes the full House, Senate, and signed into law by the President, completely legal online poker, licensed and controlled in the United States, will be right around the corner and not just by a couple of states on a state-by-state basis.

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