Thursday, 7 June 2018

Is It The 2018 World Series of ‘Online’ Poker?

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If the first week of the 2018 World Series of Poker proved anything, it’s that it could very well become known as the 2018 World Series of Online Poker.

Let’s not get too carried away. After all, online bracelet events still make up only four of 78 total bracelet events on the 2018 WSOP schedule. But it’s looking like those four online bracelet events will all draw record numbers.

Of course, this comes as no surprise. Particularly because entry numbers for WSOP online bracelet events have grown every year since the WSOP started running them. Plus, thanks to New Jersey signing on to an interstate agreement with Nevada and Delaware, players from the Garden State are allowed to play in the online tournaments from home for the first time this year. online bracelet history

The first ever online WSOP bracelet event in 2015 had a $1,000 buy-in. It drew 905 entries. North Carolina’s Anthony Spinella won it. More on him later.

In 2016, the same event drew 1,247 entries. In 2017, the WSOP decided to hold three online bracelet events. The affordable $333 buy-in event drew a record 2,509 entries. The traditional $1,000 event grew to 1,312, and a $3,333 high roller drew...

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Oh god, there are so many. The problem we have right now is affiliates of these poker spaces are being bribed to place the site on the top of their list. One online cardroom that bribed their affiliates was LockPoker. They utilized to be a excellent space, in fact, Jennifer Larson the owner was a good person, or so it appeared. They were running an limitless payout plan (110% real Ponzi Scheme) where they accepted deposits however didn't make payouts. This lastly ended when they went offline on April 17, 2015. Lots of reports revealed it was taking over 1 year for payments with a backlog in the multi-millions according to research study from poker forum posters at 2 +2! The enormous info websites out there that you find when using google with "top lists" searches are generally just websites who pays the best.

from Safest Online Poker Real Money

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