Sunday, 6 May 2018

How Huge Will Star Wars Solo Be? - Star Wars Talk

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How Huge Will Star Wars Solo Be? - Star Wars Talk
Solo: A Star Wars story is just a few weeks away and it's looking to be a much bigger hit than many first expected. John talks about this and the following topics submitted by viewers: Support John on Patreon - Robert Ingleman - Hi John. I was in the same boat as you about Solo. Didn’t think a ton of people would be into the idea of it and that it would make money, but not a ton of money. Now with all these ticket sales reports and projections of $170+ on its opening weekend, do you now believe Solo can be huge and if so, just how big of an opening weekend can we expect? Scott Shriner - Hi John, great show! I know it's a generally accepted part of SW lore, but am I the only one who's concerned that the idea of Chewie owing a "life debt" to Han is possibly a bad move, story wise, to include in canon? Won't it just make Han look like a jerk if he's taking Chewie away from his home and family? Dane Thomsen - Love your show! Did you see that Lucasfilm is casting a 40-50 year old woman for the role of MARA for episode 9? Aren't this roles generally masked with another name or could this really be Mara Jade? Thanks and keep bringing on the...
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