Sunday, 13 May 2018

Star Wars Solo: The Premiere And How Much Potential It Has - Star Wars Talk

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Star Wars Solo: The Premiere And How Much Potential It Has - Star Wars Talk
Star Wars Talk! On this week's episode of Star Wars Talk, John discusses the following topics as well a live questions from the viewers. Jordan Rennie - Greetings from Scotland! Since you've now seen Solo: A Star Wars Story how do you think it will do at the box office? Do you think it will pass the billion dollar mark? Thanks for taking my question and keep up the great work. Rob Cameron - I'm I the only one getting sick to death of all the TLJ & star wars haters who are supposedly fans. Now encouraging fans to boycott solo!!! Why r they doing this John! Alpha Adu - Now that we know Favreau's show will be set 7 years after the original trilogy, how possible would it be to see Luke cameo at some point and "school some fools". I think it's not impossible if the show is prestigious enough. Plus, it would be a great selling point for audiences even though it would be "shrinking the universe".
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